Saturday, July 24, 2010

Perfect Summer Day. . . and Unbelievable Chili Sweet Corn

Oh, it's a bit warm here in Central Ohio -- in the mid-90s. But as they say, it's not the heat it's the humidity. Muggy it is. Really muggy. Like all-you-can-do-is-sweat-while-your-hair-frizzes muggy.

Nevertheless, it was a brilliant day around here. Son Chip had a 7 on 7 football "passing" scrimmy for 6 hours. I doused him with sunscreen, filled a huge canteen with ice water and packed him lunch before he headed to a local college with his high school team and about 14 other schools. He is annoyed with how many times I reminded him to DRINK LOTS OF WATER! Barista and I watched him for awhile from the shade of a tiny tree, and then headed out to do some pre-apartment shopping for her senior year of college. Serendipitously we parked near a mom-and-daughter garage sale on the weekend before they moved to Massachusetts. We lucked out on: a checkered mother-of-pearl bathroom set for Barista. I bought a little metallic hall table that looks fabulous in my foyer AND a pair of Italian suede boots with rabbit fur cuffs (for $5 !!!!). Who cares if it's hotter than blazes, I can imagine those boots at a winter cabin in the snow!

We also hit the local farmers market, snaring some really nice sweet corn, tomatoes, green peppers and grass-fed hamburger patties. Our gluten free dinner menu? Grilled hamburgers with cream cheese/jalapeno (from my garden) topping on buns (my kids) and gluten free Udi whole grain bread (me). And the best corn on the cob I've ever had. Seriously. My whole life I've enjoyed fresh Ohio corn that's been boiled and plopped on a plate, ready to be doused in butter and salt. Barista tried something different tonight -- brined sweet corn that's char-grilled and topped with a chili/cumin butter. All I can say is OMG.

Here's the instructions:

Husk 4 ears of sweet corn (or more, just adjust other ingreds). Fill a large pot or bowl half way with water. Add 1/4 cup salt and 1/4 cup sugar; stir until dissolved. Add corn and let sit for a half hour or more.

Prep charcoal grill. Remove corn from brine, place on grill rack above hot coals. Cover grill, but uncover about every minute or two to turn the corn (it chars easily). Continue cooking for about 10-12 minutes until corn is tender and lightly charred. Serve with chili-cumin butter:

Bring 3 tablespoons of butter to room temp. Fold in 1/2 teaspoon of Mexican hot chili powder and 1/4 teaspoon of cumin.


syd said...

I'm thinking this is the blog I love the most-real life stuff with beautiful outdoor pics of flowers (summer) and I'm sure snow (winter!) and awesome recipes. Oh yeah...provocative writing as well. I'm gonna publish this blog as a reader once I get permission from the author!
One cool chick...(from another)

Vivi said...

You got it Syd! :-)